hello and welcome to my ace attorney shrine page!
Ace Attorney is a video game series beginning in 2001 with "Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney" in the murder mystery/detective genre. Check it out if you're 12+ (???).
my favorites :-)
favorite game: aa2 (justice for all)
favorite case: farewell, my turnabout (close second is rise from the ashes)
favorite character: it would be crazy hard for me to decide......um. top 2 are ema and franziska, top 5 would include maya, susato, and apollo <3
favorite culprit: MIMI MINEY !!!!1 ! ! runner ups are dollie, manfred, kristoph, and courtney sithe
favorite witness: Vera Misham!!!!!! other favorites are hosonaga, haori, pavlova, gorey, ron delite, moe, and MANY more...
favorite murder (method and coverup): rfta realistically. it's so crazy. but i do also like sucession and bridge to the turnabout