bwaaah test

hey! i'm trying to learn html i guess and thought making a neocity (is that the singular???????) would be a good start. it looks very bare bones right now but hopefully it will look better later?


here's my cool friend's website!

both of these links at the moment do not work (at least on my PC)...please visit my help page if you know how to fix this. the guestbook is linked there. my friend's website is https://shrimpspace.neocities.org :-)

about me :3

you can call me bobana and i use she/her :)

things i like:


fun fact:

when i was 8 i was lactose intolerant but i got over it through sheer willpower!! u can do this too by the way (misinformation)


questions i have about coding! please help if you're good at html :(

my favorite stuff

favorite book: the princess bride by william goldman OR oranges are not the only fruit by jeanette winterson

favorite song: cadmium colors by JamieP

favorite movie: the night is short, walk on girl

favorite tv show: northern exposure

favorite food: chili

favorite font: BIZ UDGothic

favorite animal: snail <3

<- wow...it's gyrotating

goodness gracious this homepage is disorganized :I

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